27 October 2009


Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto – Jakarta 10270

NOMOR : KP.03/300/DPR RI/X/2009


Sekretariat Jenderal Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia membuka kesempatan bagi putra-putri terbaik Warga Negara Indonesia lulusan S1 dan S2 untuk diangkat menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Sekretariat Jenderal Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia.
Tahapan dan jadwal Kegiatan, sebagai berikut :
  1. Pendaftaran registrasi online dimulai pada tanggal 24 Oktober s.d. 7 November 2009;
  2. Alokasi formasi sejumlah 161 (seratus enampuluh satu) orang, dengan jenjang pendidikan S1 dan S2.
  3. Persyaratan dan informasi selengkapnya dapat dilihat pada website www.dpr.go.id. mulai tanggal 24 Oktober 2009
  4. Pendaftaran yang dilakukan sebelum tanggal 24 Oktober 2009 dianggap tidak berlaku.

Jakarta, 20 Oktober 2009

Nah, Buat Temen-temen yang mau tahu FORMASI  apa aja yang dibutuhkan Klik Disini!

Nah, Buat Temen-temen yang mau tahu Syarat-Syarat Nya Apa Aja Klik Disini !

Yang Pengen download Soal-Soal Tes Klik Aja disini!

Nah Klo yang belum ikut Tes TOEFL klik nya disini!! 

Lengkap Khan?? Hayo Butuh apa lagi?? 
Klo masih butuh yang lain, silahkan kirim koment aja, insya Allah dibantu....
Sukses selalu buat pembaca setia taktik-ku.co.cc

If you enjoyed this post, please make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!

Daftar di PayPal, lalu mulai terima pembayaran menggunakan kartu kredit secara instan.

26 October 2009

Membuat FlashDisk Menjadi Windows Instaler

mending lo download dulu dech toolsnye:
gini caranye yeee :p (colokin flashdisk kosong minimal 2GB)
1. hasil download tools tadi lo ekstrak dengan menggunakan winrar/sejenisnya (gk punya? beli lah :hammer: )

2. lo eksekusi dech file yg USB_MultiBoot_10.cmd (klik 2x) lalu jendela comandprompt akan kebuka lalu lo pencet ape aje dech di keyboard lo *press any key to continue..*(rekomendasi pake palu 3 kilogram)

3. nanti keluar perintah di suruh pilih 3 pilihan(gk perlu gw jelasin pilihannye ape aje ye) pokok'e lo pilih yg paling atas dengan cara ketik huruf P lalu "enter" maka menu PeToUSB akan keluar.

4. di menu PeToUSB gk usah lo rubah (jgn gatel tuh tangan) cukup lo klik aja "Start" tunggu sampe selesai (biasanya proses memakan waktu 2 minggu) klo dah selesai klik "Close" dan akan balik lagi ke menu sebelumnya USB_multyboot

5. ada pilihan menu baru yg keluar yaitu 0, 1, 2, 3. nah lo langsung aje pilih nmr 1 dengan cara ngetik angka 1 di "enter your choice" lalu "enter"

6. browse drive CDrom tempat lo taro CD installer dan selanjutnya tinggal klak-klik "yes" bae lahhhh :p

7. nah kan setelah selesai balik lagi ke menu utama yg tadi tuh sekarang lo ketik 2, nah sekarang lo pilih di drive mana flahsdisk lo nyolok

8. nah klo udah dia akan balik lagi ke menu utama lagi dan sekarang masukan pilihan ke 3, tungguin dah sampe selesai pengkopian file installer ke dalam flashdisk lo (biasanya memakan waktu sampe postingan anda 2000 di kaskus) klo muncul menu2 aneh tinggal klik "yes" bae laaahhhh

9. ........................... *lg nunggu hasil ngopi file installer ke flashdisk* :bingung:

10. nah selesai sudah tinggal pencet ape aje dech di keyboard lo (rekomendasi pake palu bangunan 3 kilogram)

11. tahap terakhir lo masuk menu BIOS dah lo rubah firstboot dari falshdisk dan primary drivernya juga rubah ke flashdisk "safe setting" udah dech lo bisa nginstall windows pake flashdisk :p

Copas From : Forum Ansav

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Prediksi Soal Tes CPNS Tahun 2009

Buat Temen2 Yang mau Cari Prediksi Soal-Soal Untuk Test CPN tahun 2009, ni aku kasih link download-an nya...
Semoga Pada Sukses ya Tes Nya....


  • Prediksi Soal Test CPNS 2009 Materi Test Bakat Skolastik DOWNLOAD SOAL 
  • Prediksi Soal Test CPNS 2009 Materi Soal CPNS Pemkab DOWNLOAD SOAL
  • Prediksi Soal Test CPNS 2009 Materi Kebijakan Pemerintah DOWNLOAD SOAL
  • Prediksi Soal Test CPNS 2009 Materi Bahasa Indonesia DOWNLOAD SOAL
  • Prediksi Soal Test CPNS 2009 Materi Bahasa Inggris DOWNLOAD SOAL
  • Prediksi Soal Test CPNS 2009 Materi Falsafah Ideologi DOWNLOAD SOAL
  • Prediksi Soal Test CPNS 2009 Materi Pengetahuan Umum DOWNLOAD SOAL
  • Prediksi Soal Test CPNS 2009 Sejarah Nasional Indonesia DOWNLOAD SOAL
  • Prediksi Soal Test CPNS 2009 Materi Tata Negara DOWNLOAD SOAL
  • Prediksi Soal Test CPNS 2009 Materi TOEFL DOWNLOAD SOAL
  • Prediksi Soal Test CPNS 2009 Materi UUD 1945 Amandemen DOWNLOAD SOAL
  • Prediksi Soal Test CPNS 2009 Materi Soal CPNS Dinas PU DOWNLOAD SOAL
  • Prediksi Soal Test CPNS 2009 Materi Tata Negara & Ideologi DOWNLOAD SOAL
  • Prediksi Soal Test CPNS 2009 Materi Tata Negara DOWNLOAD SOAL
  • Prediksi Soal Test CPNS 2009 Materi Bahasa Indonesia DOWNLOAD SOAL

  • Sementara menunggu proses update, itu dulu beberapa daftar link download Prediksi Soal Test CPNS 2009 gratis yang dapat saya berikan kepada Anda, doa’kan saja semoga dalam waktu dekat ada informasi terbaru lagi yang dapat saya bagi kepada Anda semua, khususnya mengenai prediksi-prediksi soal-soal test CPNS 2009.

    Sumber http://downloadsoalcpnsterbaru.blogspot.com

    If you enjoyed this post, please make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!
    Daftar di PayPal, lalu mulai terima pembayaran menggunakan kartu kredit secara instan.

    24 October 2009

    How Sitemaps Can Improve Your Search Engine Rankings

    The structure of your website plays a key role in obtaining search engine rankings. If your website structure is too complex, the search engines may not be able to find the pages you want ranked. Fortunately, there exists a sitemap strategy that will provide an open door to search engines for just about any website, ultimately increasing your odds for ranking success. The strategy is to provide a standard sitemap web page as well as a search engine sitemap to glean the benefits of both applications.

    Step 1: Create a Sitemap Web Page

    The purpose of a sitemap is to provide visitors with an alternative and perhaps faster method of finding a specific page or section within your website. The secondary purpose is to provide a single page where a search engine can reach every page within your website. Here are some considerations when creating or optimizing your website's sitemap for best results:
    1. Begin creating the sitemap with a link to the home page and then work your way down listing the links to each of the main sections of your website.
    2. Next, under each main section create another tier to list the links from that page to further pages deeper within the section. Ultimately, the sitemap will end up looking like a book's table of contents.
    3. Once you have created this link-based table of contents, go back to the top of the page and then convert each link into text links using the title of the linked page (or good page-descriptive text). For example, on the home page you would add the title tag and then make those words into a link to the home page. Do this for all links on the page.
    4. Once the sitemap is complete, add a link to it from the footer of every page within your website.
    Congratulations, now you have an effective sitemap which will allow visitors and search engines alike to find pages deep within your website.

    Step 2: Create a Sitemap Specifically for Search Engines

    A search engine sitemap (meant only for search engines to see) is a tool provided by Google, Yahoo!, and MSN to allow webmasters to suggest how often, and in what order, a search engine should spider each page within their websites.
    Creating a search engine sitemap is quite simple thanks to a free online tool at XML-Sitemaps.com that will automatically spider your website and create the sitemap for you. They offer up to 500 webpages maximum  spidered for free. More than 500 webpages is $14.95 for the standalone version. The site even provides step-by-step instructions on how to add the sitemap to your website. I am not going to cover the specifics of creating a search engine sitemap here because it may be technical enough that you should have your webmaster handle it for you. If, however, you want to handle this yourself, it is explained well at the above URL. Once the sitemap is complete, there are further instructions on the website on how to submit the sitemap to the search engines for spidering.


    So why do I recommend having two kinds of sitemaps? The first sitemap you created added a beneficial resource for your site visitors as well as the search engines. It also provided the additional benefit of adding keyword weight to the linked pages.
    The search engine sitemap provides you with the knowledge that the search engines know, without a doubt, which pages you want them to add to their databases, how often, and in what order -- a most comforting fact.
    Daftar di PayPal, lalu mulai terima pembayaran menggunakan kartu kredit secara instan.
    If you enjoyed this post, please make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!

    21 October 2009

    Tips Nge Ping Blog (SEO Series)

    Nah, yang ini adalah tips lain untuk meningkatkan rating blog anda. Blog ping adalah salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan page rank anda di mesin pencari, terutama .

    Bagaimana kerja system blog ping? Blog ping berguna untuk meng-update content blog anda agar segera terdaftar di mesin pencari.
    Kapan anda harus melakukan blog ping?Lakukanlah blog ping setiap anda melakukan update pada blog anda. Terutama jika anda membuat posting/ article anda, sehingga artikel anda akan segera terdaftar di mesin pencari. Sebaiknya lakukan ping hanya jika anda meng-update blog anda. 

    Bagaimana cara melakukan blog ping?Ada beberapa website yang memberikan pelayanan blog ping. Masing-masing blog menawarkan beberapa feature yang berbeda, tapi pada dasarnya system kerja nya sama. Nah saya akan memberitahukan sekilas tentang beberapa website tersebut.
    Daftar di PayPal, lalu mulai terima pembayaran menggunakan kartu kredit secara instan.


    * Yang pertama: http://pingomatic.com

    * Yang kedua: http://bpinger.com

    * Yang ketiga : http://www.pingmyblog.com/

    Dari ketiga website diatas hampir memiliki feature yang sama, yaitu submit ke website-website atau search engine yang paling banyak digunakan. Contohnya Google, Yahoo, Technorati dll.

    Yang satu ini sedikit berbeda, karena website ini menawarkan layanan lain, selain dari blog ping, website ini juga menyediakan layanan seperti yang dapat anda lihat di gambar.


    Nah, itulah beberapa Blog ping website yang bisa saya bagikan bagi anda.
    Salah satu hal yang paling penting dalam SEO adalah konsistensi anda untuk melakukan posting. Buat lah target bagi anda sendiri, Contohnya saya menargetkan minimal 4 posting/ minggu. Karena blog saya masih benar-benar baru dan masih membutuhkan sedikit usaha.

    If you enjoyed this post, please make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!

    20 October 2009

    Membuat Rekening Paypal dot com

    Bagi anda pebisnis muda dunia maya, saatnya menggunakan fasilitas yang satu ini, karena tentunya fasilitas ini menyediakan banyak hal dan mempunyai kelebihan banyak juga contohnya:

    Daftar di PayPal, lalu mulai terima pembayaran menggunakan kartu kredit secara instan.

    1. Transaksi lebih cepat
    2. Pembayaran pake Dolar  $
    3. Bisa buat transaksi Pribadi (pembelian saja), Primer (Beli dan Jual), atau Bisnis (Bisa beli dan jual dengan banyak akun)
    4. No rekening bisa hanya menggunakan E-mail aja (tapi juga bisa menggunakan yang standar)
    5. Transaksi Lebih Aman
    6. Bisa pake kartu Debit atau kredit yang berlogo sama (Master, Visa atau yang lainya)
    7. Data transaksi langsung masuk ke e-mail kita
    8. pengecekan bisa langsung Online tiap waktu
    9. Bisa bertransaksi ke setiap situs yang menyediakan jasa transaksi model ini
    10. Tagihan akan langsung masuk di kartu kredit atau debit anda
    11. Begitu juga halnya pendapatan akan langsung masuk ke rekening anda.
    12. dan masih banyak lagi kelebihan2 dari paypal ini
    Nah, kalo anda tertarik, taktik-ku bersedia membantu anda untuk mendaftarkan diri ke paypal.com
    caranya adalah sebagai berikut
    1. Klik aja www.paypal.com atau klo mau pake yang bahsa indonesia langsung ke sini aja     ww.paypal.com/id atau langsung klik DISINI!! 

    klik aja untuk memperbesar
    2. Kemudian Pilih atau Klik Signup To day
    3. Pilih Rekening yang ingin anda buat sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda, dan juga pilih Negara /wilayah anda serta Bahasa yang ingin anda Gunakan

    klik aja untuk memperbesar
    4. Selanjutnya isi form dengan baik dan benar dengan data yang sebenar-benarnya
    5. Jangan lupa baca Kesepkatan atatu aturan main dari Paypal.com
    6. Masukan No Kartu Kredit atau Debit anda (Jangan lupa masukan data2 yang memang dibutuhkan)

    Nah jadi deh.....
    Anda bisa memulai transaksi dengan Paypal.
    Untuk istilah-istilah pembayaran klik disini
    Untuk membuat Tombol Pembayaran pada web anda klik disini
    Untuk mengetahui produk dan layanan klik disini

    If you enjoyed this post, please make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!

    17 October 2009

    Show Avatar On Your Comment

    Blogger is now introducing features every day as part of its 10th birthday celebrations.Now it has formally announced the Blogger Comment avatars. To know what it means take a look at the comments here on this blog and you will see the profiles pictures of the commentators near to the comments.If you are using some default blogger template things would be much easy.Here is a little screenshot of the new feature.

    Implementation of Comment Avatars

    1.First of all Go to Blogger > Settings >Comments and enable “Show profile images on comment”
    2.Now if you have a normal un customized template you will see the avatars on the comments on your blog.
    3.If you have a customized template you will have to add some codes and play around with your template.For that first go to Blogger Layout >Edit HTML and backup your template.
    4.Expand the widget templates and check if you can find this line there

    <dl expr:class='data:post.avatarIndentClass' id='comments-block'>
    If you can’t then that means we have something to do..
    If you couldn’t find this,then do the following steps.
    <dl id='comments-block'>
    and replace it with
    <dl expr:class='data:post.avatarIndentClass' id='comments-block'>
    b)Now Find all occurrences of

    <a expr:name='data:comment.anchorName'/>

    and replace each of it with

    <b:if cond='data:comment.favicon'>
    <img expr:src='data:comment.favicon' height='16px' style='margin-bottom:-2px;' width='16px'/>
    <a expr:name='data:comment.anchorName'/>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.enabledCommentProfileImages'>
    <div expr:class='data:comment.avatarContainerClass'>

    If you are using the author comment highlighting trick and if doesn’t work out with that trick,then leave a comment and i will try to help you out..

    Further Styling.

    If you want to add a default avatar for the ones with no profile pics,then place the CSS code just above

    CSS Code
    .avatar-image-container {background:url(http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_u4gySN2ZgqE/SrTInZfKwVI/AAAAAAAAAwA/xaGlRIqkHDw/s400/default.gif); width:35px;height:35px; }
    .avatar-image-container  img { border:none;}

    You can customize the CSS according to what you need.
    If you need bigger avatars instead of smaller ones,then use the following CSS instead of the one above.

    .avatar-image-container img {background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgn1dN8D9TRLDgljIdloI2PX9XGiDPosZQmECf1wYZ_zVw3t51GZXBBnrJIkcP8vL3vpUPiLPUnC9dWcr6nNL0Pl-X5LtOKP5zThnPLknOzdIzD08iUXBAMGOGnERMgEZ7GOaVev1FQJHY/s400/grav.png);width:50px;height:50px;}

    This will give you a bigger avatar and also a default gravatar image but it has a little drawback.It will also resize the small blogger favicons to a big size.(blooger favicon is displayed when a blogger user doesn’t have a profile avatar.Similarly OpenId also has a similar small icon.. ).
    BTW to set you avatar pic you can use two methods.You can choose the edit profile link on your blogger profile and upload an image there,The second method is to enter a blogger comment somewhere in any blogger comment form and then click the Preview button instead of the Post Comment button.Now you will see an option to upload your avatar.
    In case anything bad happens restore the template backup.. and comment here..:)

    Thanks To :Blogger Plugin 

    Recent Posts Widget for Blogger with Thumbnails, Summaries, Comments, etc

    Display beautifully crafted links to Recent Posts on your blog with this widget. You can easily customize whether or not you would like to display thumbnails, post summaries, and the number of comments for each post along side the titles.

    Features and Customization:
    1. The Recent Post Titles
    2. Display Post Thumbnails
    3. Choose which blog posts to display (choose URL).
    4. Display Post Summaries
    5. Length of Summaries
    6. Display Post Date
    7. Display Number of Comments on each post
    8. Display Read More Link
    9. Display separator between posts
    10. Number of Posts do Display
    11. Determine height
    Install the Recent Post Widget on Your Blog:
    This widget is very simple to install. Just simply click the button below to choose which blog you would like to implement it on.
    add to blogger

    Many thanks to widgetforfree!
    If you enjoyed this post, please make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!

    Related Post Widget

     Now here is wonderful hack for displaying links to related posts beneath each of your blog posts. The related articles are chosen from other posts in that same category/label/tag. With this hack many of your readers will remain on your site for longer periods of time when they see related posts of interest.

    Steps for Implementation:
    1. Go to Layout >Edit HTML in your Blogger Dashboard.
    2. Back up your existing Template before making any changes!
    3. Make sure to check the "Expand Widget Templates" box.
    4. Search for the </head> tag.
    5. Add the following code just before the </head> tag.

    6. <style>
      #related-posts {
      float : left;
      width : 540px;
      margin-left : 5px;
      font : 11px Verdana;
      #related-posts .widget {
      list-style-type : none;
      margin : 5px 0 5px 0;
      padding : 0;
      #related-posts .widget h2, #related-posts h2 {
      font-size : 20px;
      font-weight : normal;
      margin : 5px 7px 0;
      padding : 0 0 5px;
      #related-posts a {
      text-decoration : none;
      #related-posts a:hover {
      text-decoration : none;
      #related-posts ul {
      border : medium none;
      margin : 10px;
      padding : 0;
      #related-posts ul li {
      display : block;
      background : url("https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhRov418f54yd7lo8h10AoWLXPlY3_7t-aDPiU2VlBrzNqraApDNeYEfP_TLhdwmU0dD0VihH0E-pWL49D9OSXYPbfj_DPgvBIXxhkOuZkZbzUSJX9DFf6-i7L5-qFysFSwsEwr6Errwq4/") no-repeat 0 0;
      margin : 0;
      padding-top : 0;
      padding-right : 0;
      padding-bottom : 1px;
      padding-left : 21px;
      margin-bottom : 5px;
      line-height : 2em;
      border-bottom:1px dotted #cccccc;
      <script src='http://bsaves.com/scripts/Related_posts_hack.js' type='text/javascript'/>

    7. Now search for <p><data:post.body/></p>. In some of the templates this code may look like this
      <div class='post-body>

    8. Add the following code just beneath the code you just searched for.

      <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
      <div id="related-posts">
      <font face='Arial' size='3'><b>Related Posts : </b></font><font color='#FFFFFF'><b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'><data:label.name/><b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'>,</b:if><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
      <script expr:src='&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/&quot; + data:label.name + &quot;?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=related_results_labels&amp;max-results=5&quot;' type='text/javascript'/></b:if></b:loop> </font>
      <script type='text/javascript'> removeRelatedDuplicates(); printRelatedLabels();

    9. Now Save your Template and you're done!
    • In order to change the number of maximum related posts being displayed for each label, search for the code below (within the code given in step 7) and change the number "5" to any desired number.

    • max-results=5
      If you enjoyed this post, please make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!

    Hosting Paling Murah

    Recent Post Widget

    You may also enjoy our: Recent Posts with Thumbnails Widget
    This wonderful widget displays links to recent posts made on your google powered blogger blog. It works great in your blog's sidebar. If you don't like only being able to display 5 of your recent posts you can now show as many as you want. The default is set to 10 posts, but all you need to do is change the number 10 within the code to any desired amount.
    • As you can see, I have this widget in my sidebar, which is called the "Recent Posts".
    +- Get this Widget

    If you enjoyed this post, please make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!

    PayPal Donation Button Widget - Make Money

    Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly. These icons can be used as your donation button if you choose to customize.

    Adding a Paypal Donation Button

    Sign into your Paypal account and if you don’t have one you can get a free paypal account here.
    1. Login into your Paypal account with your paypal E-mail address and password:
    2. Click on ‘Merchant Services’ Tab available in the Top Menu
    3. When you scroll down your window, you will see a ‘Donations’ link in the ‘PayPal Website Payments Standard’ heading Section.
    4. Clicking on the ‘Donate’ link will take you a form where you are asked to fill some information’s like Organization name/service, Donation ID (optional).
    5. Click on 'Customize Appearance' in order to use your own image for the button. You may use one of the images above if you like.
    6. After Filing the required information click on ‘Create Button’ link.
    7. Now you will see some HTML Code, copy it

    Adding HTML code into Blogger blog:
    1. Sign in into your Blogger Blog and Click on the ‘Layout’ link in your dashboard
    2. Click ‘Add a Gadget’ link and select ‘HTML/JavaScript’ option
    3. Now paste the HTML code that you copied from your Paypal account and save it.
    4. Now open your blog and you will see the ‘Paypal Donate’ button in your blogspot blog sidebar. You can display Donate button wherever you want on your blog like blog Header, footer or its sidebar

    Adding HTML code into Wordpress blog:
    1. Login into your Wordpress blog and go to its Dashboard
    2. Click Presentation –> Widgets
    3. Click on the content area in front of ‘Text 1’ widget
    4. Paste your HTML code in the content area available and save changes
    5. Open your Wordpress blog and check donate button will be in your blog sidebar

    If you enjoyed this post, please make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!

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